Wolfgang Littek |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Littek, M. A. economics, Ph. D. sociology, (Dr. oec. publ.), born 1937
Professor of sociology of work, economics and occupations, Qualifications: M. A. economics (with sociology) University of Hamburg (1963) Postgraduate studies in sociology, Northwestern University, Evanston, JII., USA 1964/65 PH. D. sociology, University of Munich 1972 Professor of sociology, University of Bremen 1973 Curriculum Vitae: Wolfgang Littek, born Nov. 1937 in Sensburg/East Prussia, Germany. Married to Hannelore Littek, born Hackfeld. 2 children. Studied economics, business administration, political science and sociology at the Universities of Hamburg and Munich. M. A. in economics (with sociology) University of Hamburg in 1963. Thereafter research assistant in sociology, Hamburg: Postgraduate studies in sociology with a DAAD and a Fulbright scholarship in the United States of America at Northwestern University, Evanston, III 1964/65. Travels to the Far East, including Japan. Research assistant, then assistant professor at the University of Munich, Institute of Sociology from end of 1965. Ph. D. (Dr. oec. publ.) in 1971/72 with a dissertation on the sociology of industry and business (Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie). Since autumm 1973, full professor of sociology at the University of Bremen in postgraduate studies on occupational training. Research and teaching activities mainly in the fields of white collar workers (work structure and social relations); social structure (Germany); vocational education and development of skills; theoretical concepts in sociology of work and industry; technological change; organization and organizational learning; postindustral society and service work; knowledge work and professions. Numerous German and international publications on these topics in journals and readers. Member of the German Sociological Assocation; the Commission on Occupational Training in the German Educational Association. International scholarly activities in the International Sociological Association (ISA), expecially Research Committee on the "Sociology of Work" as member of executive board and general secretary; organization of several international conferences. Also member in research Committees 10 "Participation and Self-Management" and 52 "Sociology of Professional Groups" Membership in the interdisciplinary "European Group for Organizational Studies" EGOS, and in SASE, THE SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SOCIO- ECONOMICS. Cooperation in an ERASMUS program (now SOCRATES) on sociology/sociology of work for student and faculty exchance between member countries of the European Union. Research contacts with universities in various contries of Western and Eastern Europe, North- and Central America, and Australia. Visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Industrial Relations, during the winter-term 1983/84. |
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